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Are you are struggling with your dog's behaviour? 

Or want to provide them with the best training possible, look no further than Jack's Dog Behaviour and Training. This professional service offers both remote and in-person assistance, covering both behavioural and training issues.

For local services

For remote services


One to One training

To begin with, an initial home consultation would be booked so we can speak about how you and your dog can benefit from some training. 


Understanding the daily routine and interaction in the home environment is useful for initial assessment and will help ensure we always have your dogs welfare in mind.


After discussing the training you would like, or the problems you are experiencing, a bespoke training plan will be created, tailored to you and your dogs needs. This training plan will delve into the science behind the methods but will also create clear structured bullet points to follow. This is so I can provide you with the skill and confidence to carry on the training plan after I have assisted you. All dogs are individuals, therefore training plans and timelines will always vary.


The bond created through positive training with your dogs is an incredible feeling that you should all get to experience.  


Training sessions will start in your home and will build up to more distracting areas. typically sessions last for one hour but will be discussed before hand depending on the exercises that are to be covered. Sessions can be booked individually or as a block


Typical training services include: 

  • Basic cues such as: sit, down, stay, paw.

  • Recall

  • Impulse control

  • Settle

  • Touch/target training 

  • Muzzle training

  • ‘Vet ready’ training (handling procedures such as teeth, paw, tail checks. Vet room socialisation) 

  • Loose lead walking

  • Leave/drop




Behavioural Consultation

Some dogs develop specific behavioural and emotional problems. These more complex behaviours may include: reactivity, cases of aggression, separation anxiety, stranger issues, other fear and/or anxiety issues or resource guarding.


It is important here to do thorough work to find out why your dog may show these certain behaviours. The first step is assessing history, environmental factors, and emotional state. From here we can look at understanding why your dog may be feeling these behaviours are necessary and coaching them to give them the ability of choice to create a better outlet for that emotion.


This is done with a behavioural consultation in the safety of your home, or remotely if the behaviour in question would be worse when meeting a stranger. From here a personalised behavioural plan will be created and introduced to you.




Puppy Training

Bringing home a puppy is an incredibly exciting experience, but it is also daunting to all the conflicting things we hear on what is best for a puppy. Over the last few years science has taught us the impactful and impressionable nature of the first 16 weeks of a puppy. The importance of socialisation from birth to adolescence can be the difference between a well socialised, happy confident pup and one more timid or reactive. 


This starts with the breeder and I can offer advice on what to look for and how to choose one that believes in the puppies welfare. 


Puppy training then starts with socialisation, toilet training, crate training, basic puppy skills, grooming and handling. I am a firm believer in concept training. This fun and exciting way of training your dogs is perfect to setting up for a successful relationship. Concept training takes fun, easy, and quick games that have been specifically designed to install concepts such as: focus, confidence, impulse control, proximity. why not teach your puppies the valuable skills they need to fit in alongside our human world in a fun and positive way. 


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